“Strike Freedom Reimagined: The New HG 1/144 Gundam Unveiled!”

May 2024 release: The Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam, an innovative addition to the HG series with advanced features and stunning detail.

“Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam: A New Era of High-Grade Gunpla”

In May 2024, the “Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam,” a new addition to the High-Grade (HG) series from Bandai Spirits, will hit the shelves. This model is more than a collector’s item, designed as part of the “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM” line. Its intricate details and advanced features will surely excite Gundam enthusiasts and model builders.

The core of this Gundam model is the innovative “SEED Action System,” meticulously crafted to capture the dynamic poses from the “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Series.” Its flexibility extends from the hip joints to the toes, allowing for a range of motion that brings the Gundam to life.

A notable feature of the Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam is its metallic gold parts, achieved through a unique metallic gloss injection technique. This gives the model a lustrous, high-quality finish that stands out. The wings of the Gundam are individually movable, and the white wings have eight different sliding sections, allowing them to unfurl, adding to the realism of the model.

The kit includes a unique accessory, the “Proud Defender,” which can be displayed separately, showcasing the model’s versatility and attention to detail. Another highlight is the “Futsunomitama” sword, featuring two different surface treatments to create a varied textural appearance.

For those looking to customize their Gundam, the model includes an interchangeable forehead cannon, allowing the recreation of its released state. The waist-mounted railgun enhances the dynamic presentation, capable of simulating simultaneous fire.

Accessories in the kit include a beam rifle, beam sabers, a grip for saber connection, a beam shield, head parts, a set of hand parts, and 3D metallic stickers.

The Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam is a testament to Bandai’s commitment to innovation in the Gunpla realm, offering unparalleled detail and flexibility.

Product Information:

Release Date: May 2024
Price: 2,970 Yen (approximately $28.99 USD)
Age Range: 8+ years
Size: 1/144 scale

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