“King Ghidorah Reigns Again: HIYA TOYS’ Dazzling 14-inch Articulated Model!”

HIYA TOYS brings the mighty King Ghidorah to life in a stunning 14-inch model, celebrating the iconic monster from 'Godzilla II: King of the Monsters'.

HIYA TOYS’ “EXQUISITE BASIC King Ghidorah (2019)” Series: A Majestic Depiction of the Iconic Monster

HIYA TOYS, a renowned Chinese toy brand, has released a new version of their “EXQUISITE BASIC King Ghidorah” figure, following the excellent fan reception of the 2019 version. The latest iteration, “King Ghidorah Gravity Beam Ver.,” is a non-scale, fully articulated model priced at 110 USD. It’s set for release in the second quarter of 2024.

The “King Ghidorah (2019)” model masterfully captures the fearsome presence of the iconic monster from the 2019 film “Godzilla II: King of the Monsters.” Initially encased in ice at Outpost 32 in Antarctica, King Ghidorah was freed by paleo-ecologist Emma Russell and briefly usurped Godzilla’s dominance, awakening other titans to wreak havoc on humanity and the world’s ecosystem. Ultimately, Godzilla’s evolution into a fiery form allowed it to defeat Ghidorah and avert global catastrophe.

The “King Ghidorah Gravity Beam Ver.” model, based on the 2023 version, features three heads—Ichiro, Jiro, and Saburo—each displaying distinct expressions that align with their unique personalities. The model’s meticulous attention to muscle and bone structure, coupled with multi-jointed wings and neck, allows collectors to recreate various majestic poses of Ghidorah. The new version boasts a multi-layered metallic gold paint job, enhancing its eye-catching appearance more than previous versions. The bright gold paint gives Ghidorah a powerful aura, while the meticulously detailed wings and veins are beautifully recreated with new paint applications. Adding three gravity beam effect pieces significantly elevates the monster’s destructive power.

Product Details for the “King Ghidorah Gravity Beam Ver.” Model:

  • Scale: None Scale, 14 Inch
  • Height: Approximately 35 cm (about 13.78 inches)
  • Width: Approximately 56 cm (about 22.05 inches)
  • Price: 110 USD
  • Expected release date: Second quarter of 2024

HIYA TOYS‘ “EXQUISITE BASIC King Ghidorah (2019)” series, with its detailed scales, muscle structure, and wingspan, alongside expressive head sculpts and multiple articulation points offers fans an impressive and dynamic representation of King Ghidorah’s formidable presence from “Godzilla II: King of the Monsters.”

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