Bandai SPIRITS, renowned for its popular lottery series “Ichiban Kuji,” is set to unveil an exciting new collection under the theme of the popular anime “Naruto.” The upcoming collection, dubbed “Naruto – Chunin Exam Arc,” will become available on April 25, 2025, with each draw priced at 790 yen (Approximately $7.10).
This new series focuses on the iconic one-on-one battles within the Chunin Exam arc. The collection will feature prize tiers ranging from A to J, along with Last One and Double Chance prizes. The characters spotlighted in the A to E prize tier include Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Rock Lee, and Neji Hyuga. The Last One and Double Chance prizes will showcase a figure of Gaara, capturing the youthful depictions of these beloved characters with exquisite detail. Notably, Rock Lee’s reflective NINJA hair shape and Neji’s Byakugan are intricately recreated.
The initial reveal included only the figures for the A to E prizes, Last One, and Double Chance. Still, many fans eagerly anticipate more information about the F to J prizes. These include a Gaara’s gourd-shaped seasoning container, Hokage Rock-shaped magnets, a clear display stand, new ACLLECT series acrylic stands, and rubber coasters. The anticipation surrounding the full reveal is palpable.
Product Details
- Naruto Uzumaki figure
- Sasuke Uchiha figure
- Shikamaru Nara figure
- Rock Lee figure
- Neji Hyuga figure
- Gaara as Last One and Double Chance prizes
The “Naruto – Chunin Exam Arc” Ichiban Kuji series is a captivating addition for fans and collectors, providing detailed representations of iconic characters. This collection is a must-have for any Naruto enthusiast, creating eagerness for the full unveiling of each prize tier.